How to get the right nutrition in your diet
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How to get the right nutrition in your diet |
How to get the right nutrition in your diet, Each food group provides different nutrients and benefits, so it’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes foods from all five groups. These are the different food groups to consider.
1. Whole grains
Entire grain ingredients like brown rice and bread are types of carbohydrates, mainly unrefined carbohydrates. They give you energy, healthy fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and help digestion. For people diagnosed with celiac disease or those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, it’s important to include other carb alternatives to ensure that avoiding wheat doesn’t cost you anything in terms of essential nutrients.
“Gluten-free carb alternatives include rice products, buckwheat (technically a pseudocereal), quinoa and starchy vegetables (eg sweet potato, yam, pumpkin, corn),” says Ang Sin Hwee, associate sports dietitian at the Singapore Sports Institute. “Since following a gluten-free diet can lead to the unconscious elimination of certain nutrients, it is recommended to seek help from a registered dietitian.”
2. Fruits and vegetables
Various forms of products are a rich source of vitamins and minerals that help regulate body functions and protect it from chronic diseases. To get the most nutrients from fruits and vegetables, eat them whole – for example, eat whole fruits instead of juicing them.
3. Protein
Protein is the primary nutrient responsible for building and repairing muscle tissue in the body. The most common source of protein is animal meat, but there are also several plant-based options to choose from, such as nuts and legumes. Individuals on a plant-based diet should ensure that they are eating the right combination of plant-based proteins to ensure that their dietary needs are adequately met.
4. Milk
Dairy products are rich in important nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12. Foods like milk, yogurt, and cheese are great examples of dairy products that can be found in virtually any grocery store.
5. Fat and sugar
Dietary fat (like the kind you get from fish and olive oil) is essential for good health because it regulates your body’s cholesterol levels while promoting healthy cell function. Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated fats all play a role in this aspect of good health. On the other hand, other fat often found in fried foods should be minimized as it is largely polyunsaturated fat derived from processed vegetable oils such as soybean and canola seed.
Due to their low oxidation threshold, excessive consumption of polyunsaturated fats can lead to inflammatory conditions and the formation of free radicals. Artificial trans fat is also a strict no-no. Sugar should also be limited – while the natural sugars found in fruit and whole grains are healthy, the refined kind you get from cakes and snacks can affect your weight and lead to metabolic disease if consumed in excess.
In addition to eating foods from the above food groups, there are three other healthy eating habits to follow to keep your nutrition plan on track.
• Keep portion sizes controlled
Portion size control is about making sure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients and calories from your food. Eating too much or not eating enough deprives you of nutrients and can affect your weight, so always control your meals. When shopping for food, look at the serving sizes on the nutrition labels to see what a typical serving is and how much it provides in terms of nutrients.
• Give preference to fresh food
Fresh, whole foods are where you get the most nutritional benefits. Always go for foods in their purest, unprocessed form, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, if possible. If you do use processed alternatives, choose those that have undergone simple changes such as dehydration and flash freezing to minimize nutrient loss. Also, keep an eye on the ingredients list to ensure that you are consuming as few additives as possible with your food.
• Practice healthier seasoning habits
Consider tempering your salt intake with additional herbs and spices to add a new dimension of flavor to your food. For example, basil, garlic, paprika and cayenne pepper can turn an ordinary chicken breast dish into a gastronomic delight! Salt is the most common seasoning used in cooking, but too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and hypertension, especially in those who are already prone to these conditions.
Maintaining a nutritious eating plan is simple enough; evaluating whether it is nutritious enough can also be simple. Just be aware of five simple enough indicators of whether you’re getting enough food.