Why ageism happens and how to address it?


Why ageism happens and how to address it?
Why ageism happens and how to address it?


  Why ageism happens and how to address it? Ageism is the discrimination of a person based on his or her
age, be it older people or the younger ones. Ageism is not restricted to a
certain group. It may seem to be a trivial issue, but it plays a great role in
deteriorating the mental health of the targeted people.

Where does it affect
the most people? In modern society? It is very common in the workplace. 

is the promoter of toxic work culture and offers less growth to certain age
groups. It happens in pretty much every area of our day today lives, be it at
our homes. Why ageism happens the major reason for this act is living with
prejudices and negative stereotypes. We all at some point do it in our daily
lives, be it intentionally or unintentionally. 

However, it still is not
justifiable to target people because of their age and not giving the equal
opportunities based on their talents and wisdom.

 How the Ageism propagates

Ageism is perpetuated by a number of factors, including negative attitudes and stereotypes, discrimination in the workplace, and a lack of understanding about the aging process.
Negative attitudes and stereotypes about older people are widespread in our society. These attitudes can be based on personal experiences, media portrayals, or simply assumptions about what it means to get older. Ageism can lead to discrimination in the workplace, as employers may be less likely to hire or promote older workers
This can result in a loss of income and opportunities for older adults, which can further perpetuate ageism. A lack of understanding about the aging process can also contribute to ageism. As people live longer and healthier lives, outdated ideas about what it means to be old are no longer accurate. 
However, many people still hold onto these outdated beliefs, which can lead to negative attitudes and stereotypes about older adults. Ageism is a complex issue that is perpetuated by a variety of factors. By increasing awareness of the issue and working to challenge negative attitudes and stereotypes, we can begin to address ageism in our society.

Disrespectful attitude Being singled out in a meeting or conference
just because of the age gap it implies on both elderly and very young adults.

Using inappropriate words to address
someone who is the target of their ageism. For example, addressing an elderly
as old man or a young adult as kid, baby, etc. 

Thinking lowly of the targeted
person assuming that that person won’t be able to complete the given task based
on his or her age and acting in a patronizingly superior way. 

The targeted
people face negative comments about their ability and ideas, methodology of
doing tasks for underestimating their intelligence and work stamina questioning
the input and advice of the targeted person on the basis of experience in that
area, young people are assumed to be too young to handle the hurdles and
elderly are simply referred to as old minds that are not creative enough. 

doesn’t occur only at workplaces, but also our homes very commonly. 

Dismissal from the important tasks on the basis of age

the target person is singled
out of the important tasks, saying they are too new or lack of experience. In
the case of young adults and in the case of elderly, they can be targeted,
saying the area is new and innovative and requires people having expertise in
the area to avoid loss.

unfair evaluations of their performance often the
younger adults are assumed to be guilty if some problem arises in the work
situation. They are labeled guilty for not knowing how things work. On asking
questions, they are said to be ignorant or impertinent, disrespectful,
sarcastic or dumb. inappropriate age targeted jokes. 

How to
address it ?

When it comes to ageism, there are a few things you can do to address it. First, you can start by acknowledging its existence. This means recognizing that ageism exists in yourself and in others.

Second, you can work to change your own attitudes and beliefs about aging. This includes challenging negative stereotypes about aging and older adults. 

Third, you can be an advocate for change. This means speaking up against ageism when you see it happening and working to create more inclusive environments for all ages.

no matter where you go, whatever you do, or whatever age group you
belong to, there are some hurdles that will come your way for sure. 

This is life
and it is not certain in any way. You only have two options either quit and be
a loser or buckle up and be ready to face anything that comes your way with
determination and enthusiasm.

At the very end, nothing is going to matter but
only your capability to prove everyone who doubted you were wrong. Your ability
to do your job effectively and nicely with a positive attitude can make their
attitude take a turn. 

Don’t shy away and let them know when they’re singling
you out on purpose. When they question your knowledge, you throw them the best
ideas confidently and make them acknowledge your input where you have performed
well to be the best, you have to act the best.

Trust yourself no matter what others say, don’t let them
doubt your capability, knowledge and wisdom. You go there despite all the
criticism and perform the best of you shoving all their doubts into the trash.

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